[1] Neuerthelesse, concerning the lord Cromwell earle of Essex, if we shall consider his comming vp to such high degree of honor as he atteined vnto, we maie doubt whether there be cause more to maruell at his good fortune, or at his woorthie and industrious demeanor. Iohn Fox in the Acts and Monuments. But sith in the booke of Acts and Monu|ments ye maie find a sufficient discourse hereof, we néed not to spend more time about it, saue onelie as master Fox hath trulie noted, such was his actiuitie and forward ripenesse of nature, so readie and preg|nant of wit, so discreet and well aduised in iudge|ment, so eloquent of toong, so faithfull and diligent in seruice, of such an incomparable memorie, so bold of stomach and hardie, and could doo so well with his pen, that being conuersant in the sight of men, he could not long continue vnespied, nor yet vnproui|ded of fauor and helpe of friends, to set him forward in place and office.