[1] Then made he his praier, which was long, but not so long as godlie and learned,Sée Iohn Fox in the Acts & Monuments. and after com|mitted his soule to the hands of God, and so patient|lie suffered the stroke of the ax, by a ragged and but|cherlie miser, which ill fauouredlie performed the office. This man being borne in Putneie, a village in Surreie by the Thames side,A description of the birth of Thomas Cromwell and other cir|cumstances. foure miles distant from London, was sonne to a Smith, after whose deceasse, his mother was married to a Shereman. But notwithstanding the basenesse of his birth and [page 952] lacke of maintenance was at the beginning (as it happeneth to manie others) a great let and hinde|rance for vertue to shew hir selfe: yet through a sin|gular excellencie of wit, ioined with an industrious diligence of mind, and helpe of knowledge, gathered by painefull trauell, and marking the courses of states and gouernements as well of his natiue countrie at home, as in forren parties abrode, he grew to such a sufficient ripenesse of vnderstanding and skill, in ordering of weightie affaires, that he was thought apt and fit for anie roome or office wher|to he should be admitted.