[1] The eighteenth of Aprill at Westminster was Thomas lord Cromwell created earle of Essex,Aduanc [...]ment of Thomas Cromwell. and ordeined great chamberleine of England, which of|fice the earles of Oxford were woont euer to enioie; also Gregorie his sonne was made lord Cromwell. The foure and twentith of Aprill, Thomas lord Audleie, & chancellor of England, with sir Anthonie Browne, maister of the kings horsses, were made knights of the night honourable order of the garter. On Maie daie, was a great triumph of iusting at Westminster, which iusts had beene proclaimed in France, Flanders, Scotland, and Spaine, for all commers that would, against the challengers of England; which were, sir Iohn Dudleie, sir Thomas Seimer, sir Thomas Poinings, sir George Carew knights, Anthonie Kingston, and Richard Crom|well esquiers, which said challengers came into the lists that daie richlie apparelled, and their horsses trapped all in white veluet, with certeine knights and gentlemen riding afore them, apparelled all in white [page 951] veluet, and white sarsenet, and all their seruants in white dublets, and hozen cut after the Burgonion fashion: and there came to iust against them the said daie, of defendants fortie six, the earle of Surrie be|ing the formost, lord William Howard, lord Clin|ton, and lord Cromwell, sonne and heire to Thomas Cromwell earle of Essex, and chamberleine of Eng|land, with other, which were richlie apparelled.