[1] There was also a barge called the bachellors barke, richlie decked, on the which waited a foist that shot great peeces of artillerie, and in euerie barge was great store of instruments of diuerse sorts, and men and children singing and plaieng altogither, as the king and the ladie Anne passed by on the wharfe. When the king and she were within the vtter court,The king welcommeth hir to Green|wich. they alighted from their horsses, and the king louing|lie imbraced hir, kissed hir, & had hir welcome to hir owne, leading hir by the left arme through the hall, which was furnished beneath the harth with the gard and aboue the harth with the fiftie pensioners, with their battell axes; and so the king brought hir vp to hir priuie chamber, where he left hir for that time. Assoone as the king and she were entered the court, a great peale of artillerie was shot off from the tower of Gréenwich, and there about.