[1] About twelue of the clocke, hir grace with all the companie which were of hir owne nation, to the number of an hundred horsse, accompanied with the dukes of Norffolke and Suffolke, the archbishop of Canturburie, and other bishops, lords, and knights, which had receiued and conueied hir, came downe Shooters hill towards the tents, and a good space from the tents met hir the earle of Rutland appoin|ted lord chamberlaine to hir grace, sir Thomas De|nise hir chancellor, and all hir councellors and offi|cers, amongst whome doctor Daie (appointed to be hir almoner) made to hir an eloquent oration in La|tine, presenting to hir on the kings behalfe all the of|ficers and seruants: which oration was answered vnto by the duke hir brothers secretarie, there being present: which doone the ladie Margaret Dowglas,The ladies that receiued hir on Black|heath. daughter to the quéene of Scots, the ladie mar|quesse Dorsset, daughter to the French quéene, be|ing néeces to the king, and the dutches of Ritchmond the countesses of Rutland and Hereford, with diuers other ladies and gentlewomen, to the number of threescore and fiue, saluted and welcomed hir grace, who alighted out of hir chariot in the which she had rid all hir long iourneie, and with courteous demeanor [page 949] & louing countenance, gaue to them hartie thanks, and kissed them all, and after all hir councellors and officers kissed hir hand: which doone, she with all the ladies entered the tents, and there warmed them a space.