[1] On the morrow the third daie of Ianuarie being saturdaie, in a faire plaine of Blackeheath, more neere to the foot of Shooters hill, than the ascendent of the same, called Blackheath hill, was pitched a paui|lion of rich cloth of gold, and diuerse other tents and pauilions, in which were made fiers and perfumes for hir and such ladies as were appointed to receiue hir:The order of receiuing hir on Blacke|heath. and from the tents to the parke gate of Greene|wich, all the bushes and fixs were cut downe, and a large open waie made for the shew of all persons. And first next to the parke pale on the east side stood the merchants of the stilliard, and on the west side stood the merchants of Genoa, Florence and Uenice, and the Spaniards in cotes of veluet. Then on both sides the waie stood the merchants of the citie of Lon|don, and the aldermen, with the councellors of the said citie, to the number of a hundred and thréescore which were mingled with the esquiers; then the fiftie gentlemen pensioners: and all these were apparel|led in veluet and chaines of gold, trulie accounted to the number of twelue hundred & aboue, beside them that came with the king and hir, which were six hun|dred in veluet cotes and chaines of gold. Behind the gentlemen stood the seruingmen in good order well horssed and apparelled, that who so euer had well viewed them, might haue said, that they for tall and comelie personages, and cleane of lim and bodie, were able to giue the greatest prince in christendome a mortall breakefast, if he had béene the kings eni|mie.