[1] The wiflers.The wiflers on foot, being in number foure hun|dred proper light persons, were clad in white ierkins of leather cut, with white hose and shooes, euerie man with a iauelin or slaughsword in his hands, to kéepe the people in arraie. They had chaines about their necks,The min|strels. and fethers in their caps. The minstrels were in white, with the armes of the citie, and so was eue|rie other person at this muster without anie diuersi|tie; the lord maior, recorder, and aldermen, onelie ex|cepted, who had crosses of veluet or satin pirled with gold. The standard bearers were the tallest men of e|uerie ward, for whome were made thirtie new stan|dards of the deuise of the citie, beside baners. Eue|rie alderman mustred his own ward in the fields, to sée that euerie man were in furniture prouided as was requisite.