[1] I. Stow. pag. 1019.The third daie after were arreigned sir Edward Neuill, sir Geffreie Poole, two priests called Crofts and Collins, & one Holland a mariner, & all attein|ted.Frieries suppressed. ¶The sixteenth of Nouember, was the blacke friers in London suppressed, the next daie the white friers, the graie friers, and the moonks of the Char|terhouse, and so all the other immediatlie. The foure and twentith of Nouember, the bishop of Rochester preached at Paules crosse,Bloud of Hales shewed at Pauls crosse. & there shewed the bloud of Hales, and affirmed the same to be no bloud, but honie clarified, and coloured with saffron, as it had beene euidentlie prooued before the king and his councell. Also foure anabaptists, thrée men, and one woman,Anabaptists. all Dutch, bare fagots at Paules crosse the same daie. The nintéenth of Nouember, a man and a woman Dutch anabaptists, were burnt in Smith|field.]