[1] [2] This Nicholson was esteemed to be a man well learned, but that daie he vttered no such knowledge (saith Hall) as was thought to be in a man of that estimation. Diuerse arguments were ministred to him by the bishops, but namelie the king pressed him sore, and in the end offered him pardon if he would renounce his opinion: but he would not consent thereto, and therefore he was there condemned, and had iudgement, and so shortlie after he was drawne into Smithfield, and there burnt to ashes. The third of Nouember,The marques of Excester condemned. Henrie Courtnie marques of Exce|ster and earle of Deuonshire, Henrie Poole lord Montacute, and sir Edward Neuill brother to the lord Aburgauennie, were sent to the tower, being accused by sir Geffrie Poole, brother to the lord Mon|tacute, of high treason. They were indicted for deui|sing to mainteine, promote, & aduance one Reginald Poole, late deane of Excester, enimie to the king beyond the sea, & to depriue the king. The marques, and the lord Montacute were arreigned the last of December at Westminster before the lord Audleie that was chancellor, and for that present time high steward of England, and there they found him giltie.