[1] [2] In this season sute was made to the king by the emperour, to take to wife the duchesse of Millan: but shortlie after that sute brake off, bicause (as was thought) the emperours councell ment by a cautell to haue brought the king in mind to sue for a licence of the pope. Then the duke of Cleue began to sue to the king, that it would please him to match with his sister the ladie Anne, which after tooke effect. In No|uember, one Iohn Nicholson, otherwise called Lam|bert, [page 946] a priest,Iohn Nichol|son aliàs Lambert. was accused of heresie, for holding opi|nion against the bodilie presence in the sacrament of the altar. He appealed to the kings maiestie, who fa|uourablie consented to heare him at a daie appoin|ted, against which daie, in the kings palace at West|minster, within the kings hall, there was set vp a throne or seat roiall for the king, with scaffolds for all the lords, and a stage for Nicholson to stand vpon.