[1] A little before the execution, an huge and great image was brought to the gallowes. This image was fetched out of Wales, which the Welshmen had in great reuerence: and it was named Daruell Ga|theren. They had a prophesie in Wales, that this image should set a whole forest on fire, which prophesie was now thought to take effect,A prophesie. for he set this frier Forrest on fire, and consumed him to nothing. The frier when he saw the fire come, caught hold on the ladder, which he would not let go, but in that sort vn|patientlie tooke his death, so as if one might iudge him by his outward man, he appeared (saith Hall) to haue small knowledge of God, and lesse trust in him at his ending: otherwise he would haue béene per|suaded to patience, R [...]c. Graf. in fol. pag. 1237. and a christian farewell to the world. ¶Upon the gallows that he died on, was set vp in great letters these verses here following:

Dauid Daruell Gatheren,
As saith the Welshmen,
Fetched outlawes out of hell:
Now is he come with speare and shield,
In harnesse to burne in Smithfield,
For in Wales he maie not dwell.
And Forrest the frier,
That obstinate lier,
That wilfullie shall be dead:
In his contumacie,
The gospell dooth denie,
The king to be supreme head.]