[1] [2] [3] Now when vpon this his submission, hauing more libertie than before he had to talke with whome he would, and other hauing libertie to talke with him, he was incensed by some such as had conference with him, that when his formall abiuration was sent him to read and peruse, he vtterlie refused it, and obstinatelie stood in all his heresies and trea|sons. Wherevpon he was condemned, & afterwards on a paire of new gallowes prepared for him in Smithfield, he was hanged by the middle and arme|holes all quicke, and vnder the gallowes was made a fire wherewith he was consumed and burnt to death.Frier For|rest burnt. There were diuerse of the councell present at his death readie to haue granted him pardon, if a|nie sparke of repentance would haue appeared in him. There was also a pulpit prepared, in which that renowmed preacher Hugh Latimer, then bi|shop of Worcester, by manifest scriptures confuted the friers errors, and with manie godlie exhortati|ons mooued him to repentance, but he would neither heare nor speake.