[1] The fiue and twentith of Februarie, sir Ihon Al|len priest, and also an Irish gentleman of the Garets were hanged & quartered at Tiburne. The second of March, the image of the rood, called saint Sauior at Bermonseie abbeie in Southworke,Saint Saui|or in South|worke. was taken downe by the kings commandement. The one and twentith of March, Henrie Harsam customer of Plimmouth, and Thomas Ewell, were hanged and quartered at Tiburne.] In Maie a frier obseruant called frier Forrest was apprehended, for that he was knowne in secret confessions to haue declared to manie of the kings liege people, Anno Reg 30. Frier For|rest. that the king was not supreame head of the church, where he had by his oth neuerthelesse affirmed him so to be. Wher|vpon in his examination, that point being laid to his charge, he answered that he tooke his oth with his outward man, but his inward man neuer consented therevnto. But being further accused of diuerse he|reticall and damnable opinions that he held & main|teined contrarie to the scripture, at length being not able to defend the same, he submitted himselfe to the punishment of the church.