[1] [2] The king held his Christmas at Gréenewich, and as well he as all the court ware mourning apparell, till the morrow after Candlemas daie, & then he and all other changed. This yeare Edward Seimer vi|count Beauchampe the quéenes brother was created earle of Hertford,Creation of officers. & sir William Fitzwilliams lord high admerall was created earle of Southhampton, ¶ and master Paulet was made vicetreasuror, Abr. Fl. ex I. S pag. 1011, 1012. sir Iohn Russell comptrollor of the kings house, master Henedge, master Long, master Kneuet of the kings priuie chamber, knights; master Coffin, master Li|ftar, & master Seimer the quéenes brother, knights. On Allhallowes euen, the lord Thomas Howard, brother to the duke of Norffolke,Lord Tho|mas Howard deceassed. died prisoner in the Tower of London, and was buried at Thetford, and then the ladie Margaret Dowglas was pardoned, [page 945] and released out of the Tower. The foure and twen|tith of Februarie,Good of grace shewed at Paules. being sundaie, the rood of Boxleie in Kent, called the rood of grace, made with diuerse vices, to mooue the eies and lips, was shewed at Paules crosse by the preacher, which was the bishop of Rochester, and there it was broken and plucked in peeces.