[1] [2] [3] [4] In the latter end of Iune, was the lord Darcie beheaded at the Tower hill, and shortlie after the lord Huseie was likewise beheaded at Lincolne. This yeare at saint Georges feast, was the lord Crom|well made knight of the garter. In October on saint Edwards euen,The birth of king Edward the sixt. which falleth on the twelft of that moneth, at Hampton court the quéene was deliue|red of hir sonne named Edward, for whose birth great ioie was made thorough the realme, with thanksgiuing to almightie God, who had sent such a yoong prince to succéed his father in the crowne of this realme (as afterwards he did) by the name of king Edward the sixt. His godfathers at the font|stone were the archbishop of Canturburie & the duke of Norffolke, the ladie Marie was his godmoother, and at the bishopping, the duke of Suffolke was his godfather. On the eightéenth of October he was made prince of Wales, duke of Cornewall, and erle of Chester.