[1] [2] In the same moneth of Februarie began a new commotion,Sir Francis Bigod procu|reth a new commotion. by the procurement of sir Francis Bi|god, who being intised to that mischieuous enterprise by certeine wicked persons, forgat his dutie to his prince, although he had béene a man (as Hall saith) that vndoubtedlie loued God, and reuerenced his prince with a right obedient and louing feare: but such are men when God leaueth them, and that they will take in hand things which Gods most holie word vtterlie forbiddeth. This last rebellion began in Setrington, Pikering, Leigh, and Scarbrow; but [page 944] it was quickelie suppressed, and the said sir Francis Bigod apprehended, and brought to the Tower. The said sir Francis & one Halam, hauing raised a great companie of rebels, meant to haue taken the towne of Hull,The purpose of the rebels. there to haue fortified themselues, and to haue assembled more power; but by the wisedome of sir Rafe Ellerkar, & the maior of the towne of Hull, the said Halam, & thréescore other of the rebels with|out anie slaughter were taken, which Halam was afterwards hanged in chaines, and two other with him, at the said towne of Hull. Sir Francis Bigod fled, & could not be heard of for a time, but at length he was also apprehended.