[1] [2] The twelfe of Nouember,Penance at Paules crosse. The earle of Kildare exe|cuted. sir Thomas Newman priest bare a faggot at Paules crosse, for singing masse with good ale. On the third of Februarie, Tho|mas Fitzgaret sonne and heire to the earle of Kil|dare was beheaded, and fiue of his vncles were drawne, hanged, and quartered at Tiborne for trea|son. In the same moneth Nicholas Musgraue,Tilbie. A new rebel|lion. Tho|mas Tilbie, with others, began a new rebellion at Kirkvie Stephan in Westmerland, who hauing got togither eight thousand men, besieged the citie of Carleill, from whence they were beaten with the on|lie power of the citie: and in returning from thense, the duke of Norffolke, who then was lieutenant of the north, incountered with them, tooke the capteins, and according to the law martiall areigned seuentie and foure of them, whome he hanged on Carbeill wals; but Musgraue escaped.