[1] [2] At the selfe same time that these northerne men were lodged neere to Doncaster, and the kings pow|er readie to stop them of their passage (as before ye haue heard) there was an other armie readie to haue marched southwards thorough Lancashire: but by the faithfull diligence of the earle of Derbie, who with the forces of Lancashire and Cheshire was ap|pointed to resist them,An other ar|mie of rebels marching southwards through Lan|cashire. they were likewise kept backe and brought to quiet; notwithstanding they were a verie great number assembled togither of the com|mons out of Cumberland, Westmerland, and of the north parts of Lancashire. The earle of Sussex was sent downe by the king, to ioine in assistance with the earle of Derbie; who causing diuerse of the chiefe procurers of that rebellion in those parties to be ap|prehended and arreigned, they being found giltie had iudgement, and were executed, as the abbats of Walleie, Sauleie, and others.