[1] [2] After this by the great wisedome and policie of the nobles and capteins, a communication was had, and an agréement made vpon the kings pardon, ob|teined for all the capteins and chiefe dooers in this insurrection, and promise made that they should be gentlie heard, to declare such things as they found themselues gréeued with: and that vpon their arti|cles presented to the king, their reasonable petitions should be granted,The matter is taken vp. as by him & his councell it should be thought expedient, whereby all troubles might be quieted, and ech thing brought to a good conclusion. Herewith euerie man departed, and those which be|fore came as hot as fire to fight, letted of their despe|rat purpose, by Gods mercifull prouidence, returned now peaceablie to their houses without anie more businesse.