[1] I haue heard by relation of men of good credit that were there present: that when such knights and gentlemen as were of his councell, and other of his especiall fréends were come vnto him, he put foorth this question to them; Whether his fact in raising a power of armed men without the kings commission (although he had doone it to resist the rebels) were treason or not?A good mean|ing or intent dooth not by and by iustifie and make good the action. Wherevnto when answer was made by some that were knowne to haue skill in the laws of the realme, how that by no means it could be in|tended treason, sith his intent was good, and no euill thereby meant, but contrarilie the aduancement of the kings seruice dutifullie sought: Yee are fooles (quoth the earle) I know it in substance to be treason, and I would thinke my selfe in an hard case, if I thought I had not my pardon comming.