[1] [2] [3] They named this their seditious voiage, an holie and blessed pilgrimage:An holie pil|grimage. they had also certeine ban|ners in the field, in which was painted Christ hang|ing on the crosse on the one side, and a chalice with a painted cake in it on the other side, with diuers other banners of like hypocrisie and feigned holinesse. The souldiers had also imbrodered on the sléeues of their cotes in stéed of a badge, the similitude of the fiue wounds of our sauiour, and in the middest thereof was written the name of our Lord. Thus had the re|bels hast of sathan with false and counterfeit signes of holinesse set out themselues, onelie to deceiue the simple people in that their wicked and rebellious en|terprise against their liege lord and naturall prince, whome by the law of nations and by Gods com|mandements they were bound in conscience to o|beie, and so farre to be from lifting vp the least finger of their hand, as rather to put life and goods in hazard for his sake, to testifie their allegiance.