[1] [2] Moreouer, if there were anie assemblies made in anie part of the realme without the kings licence, by anie vnrulie persons, and would not depart to their houses vpon warning by his graces proclama|tions, they should not looke for further mercie at the kings hand, but to be prosecuted with fire and sword to the vttermost. To conclude, by the wise and sage direction taken in appeasing the countrie by that no|ble duke, all things were quieted in those parties. Di|uerse of the principall offendors were sent vnto London. He that tooke vpon him as cheefe capteine of the rout, was the same that called himselfe cap|teine Cobler: but he was indeed a moonke named doctor Makarell, which afterwards with diuerse o|thers was executed.