[1] [2] And further commandement was giuen, that all inhabitants and dwellers within the townes and villages about, should repaire to the citie of Lin|colne, with all maner of vittels as well for men as horsses, where they should receiue paiment at reaso|nable prices for the same. After this, there was like|wise proclamation made for the apprehending of all such lewd persons, as had sowne anie false rumors abrode in the countrie (the cheefe occasion of this re|bellion) bruting that the king pretended to haue the gold in the hands of his subiects brought into the tower to be touched, and all their cattell vnmarked,False rumors the occasion of rebellions. the chalices, goods, and ornaments of parish chur|ches, fines for christenings, weddings, and buriengs, licences to eat white meat, bread, pig, goose or ca|pon, with manie other slanderous, false, and detesta|ble tales and lies, forged of diuelish purpose to in|courage the people to rebellion. If therefore anie man could apprehend such as had béene the setters foorth and sowers of such seditious reports, they that brought them in, should be so rewarded, as they should thinke their labour well bestowed.