[1] [2] [3] Herewith the duke of Suffolke the kings lieute|nant was appointed to go with the armie, to see the countrie set in quiet, accompanied with the lord ad|merall, sir Francis Brian, and sir Iohn Russell that were ioined with him also in commission for the ordering of things there within the countie of Lin|colne. The duke entred into the citie of Lincolne the seuentéenth of October. On the ninetéenth all the in|habitants of Louth (according to order giuen by the duke) came to Lincolne,The rebels submit them|selues and re|ceiue a new oth of fealtie to the king. and there in the castell made their submission, holding vp their hands, and crieng for the kings mercie. And herwith were chosen foorth Nicholas Melton, capteine Cobler, & thirteene more, which were commanded to ward, and all the residue were new sworne to the king, renouncing their for|mer oth receiued in time of their rebellion, and then departed home to their houses in the kings peace. After this were proclamations made abrode in the countrie in euerie market towne by the heralds of armes, Summerset and Winsore, that the capteins and souldiers of the dukes armie should not take a|nie mans goods, cattels, or vittels, except they paied or agréed with the owners of the same.