[1] [2] Manie sinister reports, slanderous tales, and feig|ned fables were blowne abroad, and put into the peo|ples eares, and diuerse of the nobilitie did also what they could to stir the commons to rebellion, faithful|lie promising both aid and succour against the king. The people thus prouoked to mischiefe, and deceiued through ouer light credence, incontinentlie as it were to mainteine that religion, which had so manie yeares continued, and béene estéemed, they stiffelie and stoutlie conspired togither,A traitorous conspiracie. and in a part of Lin|colneshire they first assembled, and shortlie after ioi|ned into an armie, being (as it was supposed) of men apt for the warres, in number about twentie thou|sand. Against these rebels with all the hast that might be, the king in his proper person vpon intelli|gence therof had marched towards them,The Lincoln|shire men in armes a|gainst the king. being fur|nished with a warlike armie, perfectlie appointed of all things that to such a companie should apper|teine.