[1] [2] Beside these translations, he made certeine tre|tises, and published the same, which were brought o|uer into England, and read with great desire of di|uerse, and of many sore despised and abhorred, so that proclamations were procured foorth for the condem|nation and prohibiting of his [...]oks (as before you haue heard.) Finallie, he was apprehended at Ant|werpe by meanes of one Philips an Englishman, and then scholer at Louaine. After he had remain|ed in prison a long time, and was almost forgotten, the lord Cromwell wrote for his deliuerance; but then in all hast, because he would not recant anie part of his doctrine, he was b [...]rned (as before you haue heard.) Of whose conuersation and doctrine, innocent in the world, and sincere for truth, as al|so [page 940] of his death and martyrdome, read the martyrolo|logie of Iohn Fox our ecclesiasticall chronographer Anno 1536. sub Hen. 8.