[1] [2] The princesse Dowager [...]eng at K [...]imbalton, fell into hir last sicknesse,1536. The ladie Katharine Dowager decease [...]h. whereof the king being ad|uertised, appointed the emperors ambassador that was legier here with him named Eustachius Capu|tius, to go to visit hir, and to doo his commendations to hir, and will hir to be of good comfort. The ambas|sador with all diligence did his duetie therein, com|forting hir the best he might: but she within six daies after, perceiuing hir selfe to wax verie weake and féeble, and to féele death approching at hand, caused one of hir gentlewomen to write a letter to the king, commending to him hir daughter and his, be|seeching him to stand good father vnto hir: and further desired him to haue some consideration of hir gen|tlewomen that had serued hir, and to sée them besto|wed in marriage. Further, that it would please him to appoint that hir seruants might haue their due wages, and a yéeres wages beside. This in effect was all that she requested, and so immediatlie herevpon she departed this life the eight of Ianuarie at Kimbalton aforesaid, and was buried at Peter|borow. ¶The nine and twentith of Ianuarie quéene Anne was deliuered of a child before hir time, which was borne dead.