[1] [2] [3] [4] In the moneth of October, doctor Lée and other were sent to visit the abbeies,Uisitation of religious hou|se [...]. priories, and nunries in England, who set all those religious persons at libertie that would forsake their habit, and all that were vnder the age of foure and twentie yéeres and the residue were closed vp that would remaine. Fur|ther, they tooke order that no men should haue accesse to the houses of women, nor women to the houses of men, except it should be to heare their seruice. The abbat or prior of the house, where anie of the brethren was willing to depart, was appointed to giue to e|uerie of them a priests gowne for his habit, and for|tie shillings in monie, the nunnes to haue such appa|rell as secular women ware, and to go whither them liked best. ¶The eleuenth of Nouember was a great procession at London for [...]oie of the French kings recouerie of health from a dangerous sicknesse. ¶In December a surueie was taken of all chanteries, and the names of them that had the gift of them.