[1] [2] [3] [4] In this time died the earle of Kildare, prisoner in the Tower, and his sonne Thomas Fitzgaret be|gan to rebell, and tooke all the kings ordinance, and sent to the emperour, requiring him to take his part: also he slue the bishop of Dublin, and robbed all such as would not obeie him. In the beginning of this yeare, the duke of Norffolke and the bishop of Elie went to Calis, Anno Reg. 27. and thither came the admerall of France. On the two & twentith of Aprill the prior of the Charterhouse at London, Iohn Stow. Certeine pri|ors arreigned and executed for treason. the prior of Beuall, the prior of Erham, Reinalds a brother of Sion, & Iohn vicar of Thistleworth, were arreigned and condem|ned of treason: and therevpon drawne, hanged and quartered at Tiburne the fourth of Maie: their heads and quarters were set ouer the bridge & gates of the citie, one quarter excepted, which was set vp at the Charterhouse at London. ¶ On the eight of Maie, the king commanded that all belonging to the court should poll their heads, & to giue example, caused his owne head to be polled, and his beard from thencefoorth was cut round, but not shauen, which fashion the courtiers imbraced, and would (no doubt) haue put in practise, though they had not beene there|vnto bound by precept: for the people imitate the prince, as the poet long ago well noted, saieng:

Regis ad exemplum totus componitur orbis.