[1] [2] The thirtith of March was the parlement proro|ged, and there euerie lord, knight, and burges,The lords sworne to the succession. and all other were sworne to the act of succession, and sub|scribed their hands to a parchment fixed to the same. The parlement was proroged till the third of No|uember next. After this were commissioners sent into all parts of the realme, to take the oth of all men and women to the act of succession. Doctor Iohn Fisher, and sir Thomas More knight, and doctor Nicholas Wilson parson of saint Thomas apostles in London, expreslie denied at Lambeth before the archbishop of Canturburie, to receiue that oth. The two first stood in their opinion to the verie death (as after ye shall heare) but doctor Wilson was better aduised at length, and so dissembling the matter es|caped out of further danger.