20.1. The words of Elizabeth Barton, other|wise called the holie maid of Kent at the houre of hirdeath in maner of a confession.
The words of Elizabeth Barton, other|wise called the holie maid of Kent at the houre of hirdeath in maner of a confession.
[1] _HIther am I come to die, and I haue not beene the onelie cause of mine owne death, which most iustlie I haue deserued, but also I am the cause of the death of all these persons which at this time here suffer: and yet to say the truth, I am not so much to be blamed, considering that it was wel known vnto these learned men, that I was a poore wench, without learning, and therefore they might haue easilie perceiued, that the things that were doone by me, could not proceed in any such sort, but their capaci|ties and learning could right well iudge from whence they proceeded, and that they were altogither feined: but bicause the things which I feined were profitable vn|to them, therefore they much praised mee, and bare me in hand that it was the holie ghost, and not I that did them, and then I being puft vp with their praises, fell into a certeine pride and foolish fantasie with my selfe, and thought I might feine what I would, which thing hath brought me to this case, and for the which now I crie God and the kings highnes most hartilie mercie, and desire all you good people to praie to God to haue mercie on me, and on all them that suffer here with me.