[1] [2] This matter proceeded so farre, that there was a booke written by hir complices, and namelie by Thomas Laurence, register to the archbishop of Canturburie, of hir feigned and counterfeit mi|racles, reuelations, and hypocriticall holinesse. All things were handled so craftilie, that not one|lie the simple, but also the wise and learned sort were deceiued by the same,The archbi|s [...]op of Can|tur [...]urie and [...]bishop of Rochester giue credit to [...] hypocriti|cal pra [...]tises. insomuch that Wil|liam Warham the late archbishop of Canturbu|rie, and Iohn Fisher bishop of Rochester, and di|uerse others, being informed thereof, gaue credit thereto. All which matters and manie other had bene traitorouslie practised and imagined amongest the parties manie yeres, chieflie to interrupt the diuorse and to destroie the king, and to depriue him from the crowne and dignitie roiall of this realme, as in the act of their attaindor made more at large it maie appeare, and likewise in the chronicles of maister Edward Hall. Therefore to conclude with hir and hir adherents, on the one and twentith of Aprill next following, she with diuerse of them before condem|ned,Elizabeth Barton exe|c [...]ted. was drawen to Tiburne, and there executed, as iustlie they had deserued; where and when she made this con [...]ession following, euen at the present time that she suffered, in the hearing of the people.