[1] [2] And amongst other things she vttered, that it was the pleasure of God, that the said Bocking should be hir ghostlie father, and that she should be a religious woman. And within a while, after such feig|ned and counterfeit transes, she appeared to the peo|ple to be suddenlie relieued from hir sickenesse and afflictions, by the intercession and meane of the i|mage of our ladie, being in the same chappell. By reason of which hypocriticall dissimulation, the said Elizabeth was brought into a maruellous same, credit,Elizabeth Barton be|comm [...]th a nun. and good opinion of a great multitude of the people of this realme. And to increase the same, by counsell of the said Edward Bocking, she became a [page 937] nun in the prsorie of saint Sepulchres at Canturbu|rie, to whome the said Edward Bocking had com|monlie his resort, not without suspicion of inconti|nencie, pretending to be hir ghostlie father by Gods appointment. And by conspiracie betwene hir & him, she still continued in practising hir dissembled tran|ses, alledging, that in the same she had reuelations from almightie God and his saints, and amongst o|ther, that which (as before we haue mentioned) tou|ched the kings mariage, as ye haue heard.