[1] [2] [3] And to bring the people the more in beliefe with hir hypocriticall dooings, she was counselled to saie in those hir transes, that she should neuer be perfect|lie whole, till she had visited an image of our ladie, at a place called Court at Stréet, within the parish of Aldington aforesaid. Thither was she brought, and by the meanes of the said Richard Master, and Ed|ward Bocking, that was now made of counsell in the matter, there assembled about two thousand per|sons at the daie appointed of hir thither comming, to sée the miracle. At which daie, being brought be|fore all that assemblie and multitude of people, shee falselie feigned and shewed vnto the people in the chappell of our ladie there in Court at Street,A forged miracle. manie alterations of hir face, and other outward sensible parts of hir bodie, and in those transes she vttered woonderous words, as she was before subtilie and craftilie induced, and taught by the said Edward Bocking and Richard Master.