[1] This Elizabeth first through sickenesse, being of|tentimes brought as it were into a transe, whereby hir visage and countenance became maruellouslie altered at those times when shee was so vexed, at length, by the incouraging, procurement, and infor|mation of the forenamed Richard Master person of Aldington, she learned to counterfeit such maner of transes (after she came to perfect health) as in hir sickenes by force of the disease she had bene acquain|ted with: so that she prac [...]sed, vsed, and shewed vnto the people diuerse maruellous and sundre alterati|ons of the sensible parts of hir bodie, craftilie vtte|ring in hir said feigned and false transes, diuerse and manie counterfeit, vertuous, and holie words, tending to the re [...]uke of sin, and reproouing of such new opinions as then began to rise.