[1] [2] [3] [4] Whilest the two kings laie in Calis, the lord An|nas de Montmorancie earle of Beaumont, great master of the French kings house, & Philip de Cha|bot erle of Newblanke, great admerall of France, were admitted into the order of the garter,The great master and admerall of France made knights of the garter. the king calling a chapiter for that purpose, of the knights of that order, at the which the French king was present, and ware a blew mantell, because he was one of the same order. Whilest the king was in the French kings dominion, he had the vpper hand, and likewise had the French king in his dominion. And as the French king paid all the Englishmens charges at Bullongne: so did the king of England at Calis. There rose about the same season such sore weather, storms and rigorous winds, continuing for the more part at north and northwest, that the king staied at Calis for a conuenient wind till tuesdaie the thir|téenth of Nouember at midnight, and then taking his ship, landed at Douer the next daie about fiue of the clocke in the morning.The king re|turneth into England. He marrieth the lady Anne Bullongne. And herewith vpon his returne, he married priuilie the ladie Anne Bul|longne the same daie, being the fourteenth daie of Nouember, and the feast daie of saint Erkenwald; which marriage was kept so secret, that verie few knew it till Easter next insuing, when it was per|ceiued that she was with child.