[1] [2] [3] On the first of September being sundaie,The ladie Anne Bul|longne created marchiones of Penbroke. the K. being come to Windsor, created the ladie Anne Bullongne marchionesse of Penbroke, and gaue to hir one thousand pounds land by the yeare; and that solemnitie finished, he rode to the college, where af|ter that seruice was ended, a new league was con|cluded and sworne betwene the king, and the French king, Messire Pomoraie the French ambassador be|ing present. On the tenth of October,The king passeth ouer to Calis. the king came to Douer, and on the eleuenth daie in the morning at thrée of the clocke hée tooke shipping at Douer rode, and before ten of the same daie, he with the la|die marchionesse of Penbroke landed at Calis, where he was receiued with all honour, and lodged at the Eschecker. There came to him whilest he laie in Calis, diuerse lords from the French court, and amongst other the lord great maister of France, and the archbishop of Roane, which were honorablie of him receiued, and with them he tooke a daie and place of méeting with the king their maister.