A toll deman|ded in the low countries.In this
yeare was an old toll demanded in Flan|ders of Englishmen called th [...]
[...]oll of the hound, which is a riuer and a passage. The toll is twelue
pence of a fardell. It had béene often demanded, but neuer paied, insomuch
that king Henrie the seuenth for the demand
of that toll, prohibited all his subiects to kéepe anie mart at Antwerpe or
Barrow, till it was promised that vpon their returne the said toll should
neuer be demanded. The king sent doctor Knight, and others to Calis, whither
came the emperours com|missioners, and there (vpon talke) the matter was put
in suspension for a time. The king hauing purcha|sed of the cardinall after
his attendure in the premu|nire his house at Westminster,
Yorke place or white Hall now the palace of Westmin|ster. S. Iames.