[1] [2] The priests of London being called afore the bishop that would haue had them contributaries to the pai|ment of the hundred thousand pounds, granted to the king for his pardon of the premunire, kept such a stir [page 928] in breaking into the chapiter house (where the bishop sat) all at once, and striking and buffeting the bishops seruants which gaue them euill language, that the bi|shop was faine to giue them his blessing, and suffer them to depart in quiet for that time. But after, vp|on complaint made to the lord chancellor, diuerse of them and of their partakers were arrested, and com|mitted to prison, to the number of fifteéne priests, and fiue laie men, some to the Tower, and some to the Fleet, and to other places, where they remained long after. Iohn Sow. ¶Thomas Bilneie, bachellor of law, was burnt at Norwich the ninteenth of August, and the fourth of December sir Rées Griffin was beheaded at the Tower hill, and his man named Iohn Hewes was drawne to Tiburne, and there hanged and quartered.