[1] Anno Reg. 23.When the vniuersitie aforesaid, and a great num|ber of clearks and well learned men had determined the kings marriage to be vnlawfull, detestable, and against Gods law (as you haue heard) the king wil|ling the quéene to haue knowledge of the same, sent to hir diuerse lords of the councell, the last daie of Maie, being the wednesdaie in Whitsun wéeke: the which Lords,M [...]ssage sent to the quéene from the king. in hir chamber at Gréenewich, declared to hir all the determinations (as you haue heard) and asked hir whether she would (for the quietnesse of the kings conscience) put the matter to foure prelats, and foure temporall lords of this realme, or abide by hir appeale? The quéene answered: