[1] [2] Some iudged, that this proclamation was made,What was su [...]mised to be the cause of this procla|mation. bicause the quéene (as was said) had purchased a new bull for ratification of hir marriage. Others thought that it was made, bicause the cardinall had [page 915] purchased a bull to cursse the king, if he would not restore him to his old dignities, and suffer him to correct the spiritualtie, the king not to meddle with the same. In déed manie coniectured, that the cardi|nall grudging at his fall from so high dignities, stic|ked not to write things sounding to the kings re|proch, both to the pope, and other princes; for that ma|nie opprobrious words were spoken to doctor Ed|ward Kéerne the kings orator at Rome, and that it was said to him, that for the cardinals sake the king should haue the worse spéed in the sute of his matri|monie.