20.1. A proclamation published in Eng|land in the behalfe of the kings prero|gatiue roiall against the pope.
A proclamation published in Eng|land in the behalfe of the kings prero|gatiue roiall against the pope.
[1] _THe kings highnes streictlie char|geth and commandeth, that no maner of person, of what estate, degree, or condition soeuer he or they be of, doo purchase or attempt to pur|chase from the court of Rome or elswhere, nor vse & put in execution, diuulge, or pub|lish anie thing hertofore within this yeare passed purchased, or to be purchased here|after, conteining mater preiudiciall to the high authoritie, iurisdiction, and preroga|tiue roiall of this his said realme, or to the let, hinderance, or impechment of his gra|ces noble & vertuous intended purposes in the premisses, vpon paine of incurring his highnesse indignation, and imprison|ment, and further punishment of their bo|dies for their so dooing at his graces plea|sure, to the dreadfull example of all other.