[1] [2] In the beginning of this yeare was the hauing and reading of the new testament in English tran|slated by Tindall, Ioie, and others, Anno. Reg. 2 [...]. The new te|stament tran|slated into English. forbidden by the king with the aduise of his councell, and namelie the bishops, which affirmed that the same was not trulie translated, and that therein were prologs and prefaces sounding to heresie, with vncharitable railing against bishops and the cleargie. The king therefore commanded the bishops, that they calling to them the best learned men of the vniuersities, should cause a new translation to be made, that the people without danger might read the same for their better instruction in the lawes of God, and his holie word. Diuerse persons that were detected to vse reading of the new testament, and other bookes in English set foorth by Tindall, and such other as were fled the realme, were punished by order taken a|gainst them by sir Thomas Moore then lord chancel|lor, who held greatlie against such bookes, but still the number dailie increased.