[1] [2] ¶ You haue heard before how the cardinall was attainted in the premunire, Abr. Flem. ex Edw. Hall. in H. 8. fol. cxcj.cxcij. and how he was put out of the office of the chancellor, & laie at Asher. In this Lent season the king by the aduise of his councell li|cenced him to go into his diocesse of Yorke, & gaue him commandement to kéepe him in his diocesse,The cardinall licenced to re|paire into Yorkeshire. and not to returne southward without the kings speciall licence in writing. So he made great prouision to go northward, and a pparelled his seruants newlie, and bought manie costlie things for his houshold: and so he might well inough, for he had of the kings gentle|nesse the bishoprikes of Yorke and Winchester, which were no small things. But at this time diuerse of his seruants departed from him to the kings ser|uice,Thomas Crumwell aduanced to the kings seruice. and in especiall Thomas Crumwell one of his chiefe counsell, and chiefe dooer for him in the suppres|sion of abbeies. After that all things necessarie for his iournie were prepared, he tooke his waie north|ward till he came to Southwell, which is in his dio|cesse, and there he continued this yeare, euer grud|ging at his fall, as you shall heare hereafter. But the lands which he had giuen to his colleges in Oxford and Ipswich, were now come to the kings hands, by his atteindor in the premunire: and yet the king of his gentlenesse and for fauour that he bare to good learning, erected againe the college in Oxford,The kings college in Ox|ford otherwise called Christs church. and where it was named the cardinals college, he called it the kings college, & indowed it with faire possessi|ons, and put in new statutes and ordinances. And for bicause the college of Ipswich was thought to be no|thing profitable, therefore he left that dissolued.