[1] [2] The king therefore vnderstanding now that the emperour and the pope were appointed to méet at the citie of Bononie aliàs Bologna, where the emperour should be crowned, sent thither in ambassage from him the earle of Wilshire,Ambassadors sent to Italie out of Eng|land about this intricate matter of the marriage. doctor Stok [...]sleie, elected bishop of London, and his almoner doctor Edward Lée, to declare both vnto the pope and emperour, the law of God, the determinations of vniuersities in the case of his mariage, and to require the pope to doo iustice according to truth, and also to shew to the emperour, that the king did mooue this matter onelie for discharge of his conscience, and not for anie other respect of pleasure or displeasure earthlie. These ambassadours comming to Bononie were honorablie receiued, and first dooing their message to the pope, had answer of him, that he would heare the matter disputed when he came to Rome, and accor|ding to right he would doo iustice.