[1] [2] [3] [4] In the morning after he was risen from the bed, in which he had laine with hir all night, he called for drinke, which he before time was not accustomed to doo. At which thing, one of his chamberleines mar|uelling, required the cause of his drought. To whome he answered merilie, saieng; I haue this night béene in the middest of Spaine, which is a hot region, and that iournie maketh me so drie: and if thou haddest beene vnder that hot climat, thou wouldest haue béene drier than I. Againe, it was alleged, that af|ter the death of prince Arthur, the king was defer|red from the title and creation of prince of Wales almost halfe a yeare, which thing could not haue béene doubted, if she had not béene carnallie knowen. Al|so she hir selfe caused a bull to be purchased, in the which were these words Velforsan cognitam, that is, and peraduenture carnallie knowen: which words were not in the first bull granted by pope Iulie at hir se|cond mariage to the king, which second bull with that clause was onelie purchased to dispense with the se|cond matrimonie, although there were carnall copu|lation before, which bull néeded not to haue béene pur|chased, if there had béene no carnall copulation, for then the first bull had béene sufficient. To conclude, when these & other matters were laid foorth to prooue that which she denied, the carnall copulation betwixt hir and prince Arthur, hir counsellors left that mat|ter, and fell to persuasions of naturall reason. And lastlie, when nothing else would serue, they stood stiffe in the appeale to the pope, and in the dispensation pur|chased from the court of Rome, so that the matter was thus shifted off, and no end likelie to be had therein.