[1] [2] [3] These articles, with manie more, read in the com|mon house, and signed with the cardinals hand, was confessed by him. And also there was shewed a wri|ting sealed with his seale, by the which he gaue to the king all his mooueables and vnmooueables. On the daie of the Conception of our ladie,Creation of earles at Yorke place. the king at Yorke place at Westminster, in the parlement time, created the vicount Rochford erle of Wilshire, and the vicount Fitz Water was created earle of Sussex, and the lord Hastings was created earle of Huntington. When all things were concluded in the parlement house, the king came to the parlement chamber the 17 daie of December, and there put his roiall assent to all things doone by the lords and com|mons, and so proroged his court of parlement till the next yeare. After the parlement was thus ended, the king remooued to Gréenewich, and there kept his Christmasse with the queene in great triumph: with great plentie of viands, and diuerse disguisings and enterludes, to the great reioising of his people.]