[1] The ladie Margaret duches of Sauoy aunt to the emperour,The duchesse of Sauoy, and the duchesse [...] Angolesme méet about [...] treatie o [...] peace. and the ladie L [...]is duchesse of Angolesme mother to the French king, met at Cambreie in the beginning of the moneth of Iune, to treat of a peace, where were present doctor Tunstall bishop of Lon|don, and sir Thomas Moore then chancellor of the du|chie of Lancaster, commissioners for the king of England. At length through diligence of the said la|dies a peace was concluded betwixt the emperour, the pope, and the kings of England and France. All these met there in the beginning of Iulie, accompa|nied with diuerse great princes and councellors, on euerie part. And after long debating on both sides, there was a good conclusion taken the fift daie of Au|gust. In the which was concluded, that the treatie of Madrill should stand in his full strength and vertue, Edw. Hall. in H. 8. fo. clxxx [...] sauing the third and fourth, and the eleuenth and four|téenth [page 910] articles, which touch the duchie of Burgognie, and other lordships.