[1] [2] [3] Héere is to be noted, that the quéene in presence of the whole court most gréeuouslie accused the cardi|nall of vntruth,The quéene accuseth car|dinall Wolsie. deceit, wickednesse, & malice, which had sowne dissention betwixt hir and the king hir husband; and therefore openlie protested, that she did vtterlie abhorre, refuse, and forsake such a iudge, as was not onelie a most malicious enimie to hir, but also a manifest aduersarie to all right and iustice, and therewith did she appeale vnto the pope,She appeleth to the pope. committing hir whole cause to be iudged of him. But notwith|standing this appeale, the legats sat weekelie, and euerie daie were arguments brought in on both parts, and proofes alleaged for the vnderstanding of the case, and still they assaied if they could by anie meanes procure the quéene to call backe hir appeale, which she vtterlie refused to doo. The king would gladlie haue had an end in the matter,The king mistrusteth the legats of séeking de|laies. but when the legats draue time, and determined vpon no certeine point, he conceiued a suspicion, that this was doone of purpose, that their dooings might draw to none effect or conclusion.