[1] [2] [3] This yeare was sir Iames Spenser maior of London, Polydor. in whose time the watch in London on Midsummer night was laid downe. About this time the king receiued into fauour doctor Stephan Gar|diner,Doctor Ste|phã Gardner. whose seruice he vsed in matters of great se|crecie and weight, admitting him in the roome of doctor Pace,Doctor Pace falleth out of his wits. the which being continuallie abroad in ambassages, and the same oftentimes not much ne|cessarie, by the cardinals appointment, at length he tooke such gréefe therewith, that he fell out of his right wits. The place where the cardinals should sit to heare the cause of matrimonie betwixt the king and the quéene, Anno Reg. 21. Edw. Hall. was ordeined to be at the Blacke friers in London, where in the great hall was preparation made of seats, tables, and other furniture, accor|ding to such a solemne session and roiall apparance. The court was platted in tables and benches in manner of a consistorie, Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 959. The maner of the session, e|uerie perso|nage of ac|count in his place. one seat raised higher for the iudges to sit in. Then as it were in the midst of the said iudges aloft aboue them three degrées high, was a cloth of estate hanged, with a chaire roiall vnder the same, wherein sat the king; and besides him, some distance from him sat the quéene, and vnder the iud|ges feet sat the scribes and other officers: the chéefe scribe was doctor Stéeuens, and the caller of the court was one Cooke of Winchester.